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First Contact Physiotherapists

First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) are specialized physiotherapists with enhanced skills. They are typically based in GP surgeries and play a crucial role in managing musculoskeletal issues. Here’s how they can assist you:

  1. Assessing and Diagnosing: FCPs evaluate patients with soft tissue, muscle, and joint pain. They diagnose the underlying problem and determine the most appropriate management pathway.
  2. Expert Advice: FCPs provide expert advice on how best to manage musculoskeletal conditions. Whether it’s back pain, arthritis, or muscle problems, they guide patients on effective strategies for self-care and recovery.
  3. Referrals: If necessary, FCPs refer patients to specialist services. For instance, if a patient requires further tests or specialized treatment, the FCP ensures a streamlined pathway of care.

By making it easier for patients to access physiotherapists directly, FCPs contribute to quicker diagnosis, effective treatment, and a faster return to normal life. They also help manage GP workloads and reduce the need for onward referrals. In England, the goal is for all adults to have direct access to musculoskeletal FCPs at their local GP practice by 2024, without needing a GP referral.

Further information on First Contact Physiotherapists can be found here:

Trafford West PCN – First Contact Physiotherapists